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Chemeketa Diversity Advisory Council

Advises on policies, practices, programs, and activities designed to sustain an environment of equity and belonging.

The Work of the Diversity Advisory Council

The Diversity Advisory Council advises the College President and the Chief Diversity Officer on policies, practices, programs and activities designed to sustain an environment of equity and belonging.

Council members identify and propose actions to monitor and evaluate the progress of the college in maintaining conditions of inclusion that best support Chemeketa's values of diversity and equity. 

We fulfill this purpose by:

  • Taking action on strategic planning initiatives related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging;
  • Actively engaging, promoting, and collaborating in diversity, equity, and inclusion awareness and education;
  • Identifying institutional barriers that may prevent fair and equitable access to opportunity throughout the college community;
  • Consulting with college community to identify and propose actions and recommend policy review;
  • Promoting external engagement and partnerships that advance equitable student access and success;
  • Honoring accomplishments and best practices.

DAC Subcommittees

The Diversity Advisory Council is made up of subcommittees that actualize the work of DEI at the college.

  • Internal Communication and Engagement Advises the President and Chief Diversity Officer on relevant issues that need to be communicated to the larger public. Drafts communication and recommends an overall framework for communication related to DEI
  • Inclusive Excellence | Develop and implement a framework that enables all aspects of the college to be designed for ensuring access, opportunity, and the success of every student.
  • Equity Lens | Lead efforts in adopting a broadly used equity lens to ensure equity is considered in decision-making and to build capacity for equity and justice
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Education Advises the President and Chief Diversity Officer on informing, collaborating, and planning education opportunities college-wide.