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Chemeketa Facts and Stats

Researching Chemeketa as a potential choice for your education or employment? Our facts and statistics for a quick overview.

AY 2023-24 Student Profile (credit students)

Total Credit Students:

Enrollment Status

(Full-time is defined as attempting 36 credits or more during the academic year)

Status Percentage
Full-time 20%
Part-time 80%

Student General Interest

Interest Percentage
To transfer to a four-year college 35%
To learn skills to get a job 16%
To improve job skills 6%
To explore career and education options 18%
Other 25%


Gender Percentage
Male 43%
Female  54%

Student Race & Ethnicity

Race Percentage
Hispanic/Latinx 32.1%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 1.7%
Asian 2.5%
Black/African American 1.5%
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.8%
White 50.8%
Two or more races 4.3%
Not given 6.2%

Students identifying as a student of color: 43%

Age Range

Age Percentage
25 years and younger 68%
26 years and older 32%

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