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Chemeketa haslocations throughout the Mid-Valley


Learn at a location near you.

Chemeketa Salem Entrance to Chemeketa Library

Proudly making our home in Oregon's capital.

Chemeketa Community College
4000 Lancaster Drive NE
Salem, Oregon 97305

Yamhill Valley CampusStudents at Yamhill Valley campus

A full service campus serving communities in Yamhill County.

Yamhill Valley Campus
288 NE Norton Lane
McMinnville, OR 97128

Chemeketa Brooks Chemeketa Brooks facility

Chemeketa Brooks is home to special facilities serving the training needs of regional public safety professionals.

Chemeketa Brooks - Regional Training Center
4910 Brooklake Road NE
Brooks, OR 97305

Chemeketa Eola  Chemeketa Eola

Our beautiful location in the Eola Hills of Polk County just west of Salem is the home of the Northwest Wine Studies Center.

Northwest Wine Studies Center
Chemeketa Eola
215 Doaks Ferry Road NW
Salem, OR 97304

Chemeketa Polk Chemeketa Polk center

Chemeketa Polk offers a small supportive setting where you can further your education in Polk County.

Chemeketa Polk Center
1340 Holman Avenue
Dallas, OR 97338

Chemeketa WoodburnChemeketa Woodburn Center

Providing quality education in the heart of downtown Woodburn.

Chemeketa Woodburn
120 E Lincoln Street
Woodburn, OR 97071

Center for Business & IndustryCCBI building in downtown Salem

Bring your employee training challenge to CCBI and we will quickly customize a solution for the specific needs of your business or agency.

Chemeketa Center for Business & Industry
626 High Street NE
Salem, OR 97301

Chemeketa Online Student working online

As a Chemeketa Online student, you will have access to one of the most comprehensive community-college online degree and certificate programs in Oregon.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to apply
