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Helping Us Use Technology More Effectively

Information Technology provides many services.

Services for Students & Employees

Help Desk

Employee and student support by telephone and walk-in service for college systems

Services for Employees

Computer Workstation & Labs

Build, maintain, and repair computers and peripheral devices for lab and employee use

Media Technology & Production

Provide media equipment for classes and events; produce original media for administrative and instructional uses

Create & Support Infrastructure

Supports the college's student information system; create and maintain servers and services; design and maintain the network infrastructure; provide telephone and telecommunications services

Chemeketa Help Center

Employees can use the Chemeketa Help Center to –

  • Report system outages
  • Request classroom technology or media assistance
  • Request assistance with your college-owned computer, laptop, tablet or phone
  • Purchase technology
  • Report issues or make requests related to the Chemeketa's websites, student information system or data
  • Request building/room access or get support for security systems