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Anthropology is the study of human life and cultures, from our earliest days on the planet and right up to current times. Chemeketa offers several anthropology courses that may transfer easily to another school to continue your studies.

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CareersSocial Sciences

  • MachuPichu with Clouds
  • students at our Peace park
  • Chemeketa students at Monte Alban ruins

Why choose Anthropology?

Have you ever wondered what stories a Roman vase might tell? Have you ever pondered what life among the Aztecs might have been like? If so, then an anthropology career might be the path for you.

What will you learn?

Anthropology options at Chemeketa include –

  • Cultural anthropology (the study of how people of different cultures practiced everything from homemaking to religion)
  • Physical anthropology (the study of evolution in behavior and physical adaptations)
  • Linguistic anthropology (the study of languages and their spread across a population)
  • Archaeology (the study of fossil and cultural artifacts)

What will you do?

As an anthropologist, you will have multiple career choices ranging from work on archaeological digs to becoming translators. The American Anthropological Association has members working in all of the following fields –

  • Contract archaeologist
  • Corporate analyst
  • Corporate anthropologist
  • Forensic specialist
  • Government analyst
  • High school teacher
  • Medical researcher
  • Museum curator
  • Park ranger
  • Peace Corps worker
  • Social worker
  • Ethnic and cultural organizations
  • Antique and collectibles shops
  • Environmental organizations

    Courses in anthropology at Chemeketa can be taken in any order and there are no prerequisites for enrolling in any of the courses. Here are just a few you might encounter during your time at Chemeketa –

    • Human evolution
    • Mexican prehistory
    • Native American studies
    • Early Greek and Aegean archaeology
    • Contemporary Mexican culture