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Prepare for a career in community or incarcerated corrections with a Chemeketa Corrections Associate of Applied Science degree.

topics Social Service

Skills & InterestHelping People

CareersService Professions

  • Juvenile Justice officers talking with a group of inmates
  • A Corrections student handcuffing an inmate
  • Corrections students inspecting a cell

Why choose Corrections?

If you are seeking an entry-level job in adult or juvenile correctional facilities, or preparing for a community corrections profession in the future, the Chemeketa Corrections Program is the course of study you are looking for.

What will you learn?

In the Corrections Associate of Applied Science Program you will spend most of class time participating in hands-on training, preparing for the day-to-day responsibilities of a corrections officer or parole and probation officer. You will also venture outside the classroom to tour facilities and meet with professionals working within the field of corrections. Upon completion, you will be ready for work as a municipal, county, state, or federal corrections officer as well as be exposed to the role of a parole and probation officer. You will learn about both the adult and juvenile corrections systems.

See Course Sequences for more information.

What will you do?

You will learn how to work with individuals housed within correctional facilities (detention and treatment centers/jails/prisons), how different facilities function, best practices for applying restraints and conducting different types of searches, and how to employ ethical practices in all facets of the job.

Corrections officers take on a wide variety of roles once they are in the field. Some of the career options include –

  • Jail/Prison
  • Parole and Probation
  • Casework and Counseling
  • Residential Treatment Services
  • Risk and Release Assessment
  • Visitation Monitoring
  • Security clearance assignments within correctional agencies, facilities, residential treatment/transitional facilities, and mentor programs

    Upon entry into this program, you will be required to pass a criminal background check and pass a ten-panel drug screening urinalysis conducted by a college-approved vendor. If you do not pass the criminal background check and/or the drug screening, program registration will not be possible.

    For more information call the Corrections Program Supervisor, Megan Gonzalez, at 503.584.7350.