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Agriculture Workforce Training & Community Agriculture

Take classes to skill up in the agriculture field. Add certifications, acquire continuing education credit and learn something new.

  • Bean plants in growth

  • landscape

  • three farming tractors baling hay

Workforce Development

  • Pesticide License Topics

    Pesticide License Continuing Education Classes

    All classes are held at the Salem Campus Agriculture Complex (Building 60). ODA continuing education credits pending approval for all classes.

    Respiratory Protection

    November 4, 8:00am- 12:00pm

    CRN 45566, Cost $75, 4 total hours

    Private Pesticide License Test Preparation

    November 12 & 19, 8:00am-12:00pm 

    CRN 41035, Cost $150, 8 total hours

    Last Chance for Credit Class

    December 30, Session 1: 8:00am-12:00, Session 2: 1:00pm-3:00pm

    Cost $50 for Session 1 (4hrs), $25 for Session 2 (2hrs)  6 total hours available if attending all day

    To request registration, email

    You can find study materials and licensing information directly on the ODA website (click here).

  • Farm Finance Topics

    Intro to Farm Finance Series

    Section 1: Saturdays, October 5- November 16

    Section 2: Saturdays, January 11- February 22 

    Developed for people who are actively involved in a farm business or planning to be, this series of classes will tackle and untangle the financial side of farming. Seven classes include: Setting Up the Office, Accounting Principles, The Financial Statements, Beginning a Business Plan, Business Planning Part 2, Managerial Accounting, and Resource Panel Discussion

    Classes meet in person on the Salem Campus from 9 am-Noon. 

    Cost: $350 

    To Register:

    So I need a Loan….

    October 5 & 12 | 9 am-Noon

    Join instructor John Wagner  as he provides you with  the knowledge and tools to make better  farm business decisions, fast track you through the financing process, and get you on the path  to meet future goals. Take your financial documents and see how they are used in real world  analysis. Create financial ratios and rank them using real USDA guidelines. Learn how to  evaluate farm projects and do a cost to benefit analysis.

    Cost: $100

    How do I Manage Risk?

    October 19 & 26 | 9 am-Noon

    Now that you have a farm business, it’s time to protect it. Learn about various risk management  products and skills including: insurance, government programs, personal finance and record  keeping. Work with some really cool tools that will help you track your business activities and  learn how to qualify for government and RMA insurance programs. Don’t risk being uninformed!

    Cost: $100

    Understanding Farm Contracts

    Section 1: November 9 | 9-11 am

    Section 2: January 14 | 5:30-7:30 pm

    From rental agreements to easements, learn the hows, whats and whys of contracts. Taught  from an attorney’s perspective, this class will help you protect yourself and your business  agreements. Being comfortable with the language involved with contracts is a great tool that  leads to savvy business decisions.

    Cost: $50

    The Farm Tax Class

    December 7 | 9 am-Noon

    It’s the end of the year and time to wrap up the financials. This class will cover the different tax  returns, farm tax schedules, pass through income and other useful forms. Though we won’t do  you taxes for you, learning how to close out end of year reports and start compiling tax records  will hopefully make tax season less daunting.

    Cost: $50

    The 4 P’s of Marketing

    February 1, 8, 15 & 22 | 9 am-Noon

    Pricing, Promotion, Place, Product: each day of this 4-day class will focus on one of the 4 P’s of marketing. Bring your own farm examples to work with or just learn from your instructor and  peers. This crash course on marketing will have you asking the right questions and learning  some new tricks. 

    Cost: $75

  • Forklift Safety

    Forklift Safety Upcoming Courses

    Forklift Safety

    December 11, 2024

    March 18, 2025

    June 11, 2025

    All classes are 4 hours safety and instructional training and 4 hours operations and testing. This class reviews OR-OSHA safety regulations that relate to the operation of forklifts. Orients students to the safe operation of forklifts including daily inspection and maintenance. Participants must successfully demonstrate safe operation skills to obtain certificate of completion.

    Participants must be at least 18 years old or older.

    Cost: $199

    Classes will be 8:00am- 5:00pm on the Chemeketa Brooks Campus.

    To register email:


  • Tractor Safety

    Tractor Safety Classes

    Youth Tractor & Machinery Safety Certification Classes

    Spring Break Classes Now Open For Registration!

    Classes are hybrid with online, self-paced coursework and in-person driving instruction. Cost $99.

    Spring Break Section 1: March 24-25, 9am-3pm

    Spring Break Section 2: March 26-27, 9am-3pm

    Email for registration packet.

    Open to students 14-18 years old.


  • Seed Industry Topics

    Introducing a new series of classes designed to expand your knowledge of exporting seed. Developed in collaboration with producers and seed industry professionals in the Willamette Valley, workshops will cover 7 topics over 4 days: International Shipping, Markets & Marketing, Contracts, Seed Testing, Export Logistics and Documents, Industry Resources.

    Registration for the series: $299
    Email for registration or questions.

    Classes will start January 2024.


Community Agriculture Courses



    Save the Date! November 3, 2023

    Our 2nd annual event celebrates the contributions of women to the horticulture industry. A day of speakers, workshops, education and experiences is planned for all plant people to attend. 

    Schedule and registration information will be available in late September. 

    Send questions to:





How to Register

  • Online & In Person

    Continuing Students

    You are a continuing student if you have ever taken classes at Chemeketa before

    • Log in to My Chemeketa 
      • If you don't know your username and password, look it up here
    • Click on "Registration" in the box on right
    • Register for class using the CRN or the "Class Search" tool
    • Pay for class by clicking on "Account" in the box on right

    New Students

    • Email and request a registration form or download the PDF.
      • Confirmation email and payment instructions will be sent upon receiving the completed registration form


    Once you've registered you have 10 working days to make financial arrangements for payment of your class fees or you will be charged a $25 fee. Additional $25 late fees will be applied to accounts 30 days or more overdue (maximum late fees of $75 per term will be charged).

    Registration In Person

    Subject to available space. Stop by Ag Complex, Building 60 to register during business hours or 30 minutes prior to the start of class.

    Registration questions? Email