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Student Clubs & Organizations

Chemeketa has many student clubs and organizations for special interests, career fields, cultural diversity, recreation, sports, politics, community service, social events and more.

Whether you want to start a new club or join an existing club, we’re here to help you get involved in life at Chemeketa. To start or re-activate a club, contact Michelle Limas at the Salem Campus or YVC Student Leaders at the Yamhill Valley Campus.

  • Yamhill Valley Student Clubs & Organizations

    You can become involved in a number of different clubs while you are at Chemeketa. Clubs can be academic, curriculum-related, activity-oriented or based on a specific interest. Club sponsored events include special lunches, dances, displays, trips, fairs and more.

    We are currently seeking input for the types of clubs and organizations students are interested in starting at the Yamhill Valley campus. 

    Examples of past clubs at YVC are - 

    • Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) Club
      This club offers a welcoming and supportive safe space for LGBTQ+ people and their allies, discuss LGBTQ issues and plans events related to the LGBTQ+ Topics. 

    • Phi Theta Kappa
      Phi Theta Kappa recognizes and encourages scholarship among two-year college students. PTK also provides opportunity for leadership, service, scholarship and fellowship in an intellectual and community-oriented environment.

    • Spanish Club
      This club's purpose is to immerse students in the Spanish language and culture through conversation and community. Spanish club is open to anyone interested in practicing Spanish-speaking skills. Explore new cultures through conversation, Spanish language movies, fun activities, and delicious snacks. Join us for club meetings and Spanish movie days through-out the term. 

    If you don't see a club you'd like to participate in, you can start a new club. You only need three interested students and a staff or faculty advisor. If you have questions about a club, or if you are interested in starting a club, please contact our student leaders

  • Art Club

    We would like to help students of diverse backgrounds and different majors to find the joy of art.

    Club Contact: Sarah Ming

    Club Advisor: Amedeo Rehbein-Verhoeven

    Meeting Times:

    Mondays & Wednesdays: 2:00 - 4:00pm (Bldg. 3, Rm. 116)


  • Board Game Club

    Board Game Club fosters a welcoming community where students connect through the joy board games.

    Club Contact
    Zachary Arnold

    Club Advisor

    Hayley Gibbs


    Wednesday 12:30 - 3pm (Student Center 2/179)

  • Ballroom Dance Club

    The purpose of this organization is to teach discipline in Ballroom Dance. The mission of this organization is to create a positive social environment.

    Club Contacts 

    Ella Clements

    Club Advisors
    Donna M. Hurless

    Fridays 4:00-6:00PM (Bldg. 7, Rm. 113)




    Campus Ambassadors works to develop a community in which students have an opportunity to share, discuss, and deepen their relationship with Jesus. The club attracts a diverse collection of students who are equipped with the enlightenment to serve the community. 

    Club Contacts   

    Raquelle Charlick                                                                 

    Garret Berk: 

    Club Advisors
    Carmen Watkins



    Monday & Tuesday (Discipleship Groups)

    11:30-2:00pm (Bldg. 2, Rm. Lobby)


    Wednesday (Agora Group)

    11:30-1:00 pm (Bldg. 2, Rm. Lobby)


    Thursday  (Unwind Thursdays)

    Men's Group 11:30-1:00 pm (Bldg. 3, Rm. 266A)

    Women's Group 11:30-1:00 pm (Bldg. 3, Rm. 266B)


    Thursdays (Called to Create)

    1:30- 3:00PM (Bldg. 2, Rm. 232)






    Ceramics Club involves students on campus developing skills in the arts of ceramics and building an art community within the student body at Chemeketa. (This club is on hold until next term)

    All students are welcome.

    Club Contacts: Emily Beckner

    Staff Advisor: 


    Meeting Times: 

    Fridays 11:00AM - 3:00PM (Bldg. 5, Rm. 103)

  • Chemeketa Service Leaders

    The purpose of Chemeketa Service Leaders is to invite students to participate in service learning, fundraising and/or mentoring events that benefit the community and enhance a student's educational experience.

    Club Contacts

    Izzy Rojas

    Club Advisor

    Ashley Rothenberger



    2nd & 4th Thursday of the Month 11:30- 12:00 PM (Bldg. 2, Rm. 178)


  • Student Veterans of America

    To facilitate a welcoming community for student veterans through leadership opportunities, advocacy, and meaningful relationships. 

    Student Contact 

    Club President: Richard Basl

    Faculty Advisor

    Club Advisor: Nathaniel Easton

    Club advisor: Angela Archer

    Meeting Times:

    Monday & Wednesdays 12:00-1:00PM (Bldg. 2, Rm. 116)

  • Vocal Tempest Club

    Vocal Tempest wants to foster a vibrant musical environment where students can explore their vocal talents, develop a passion for performance, and build lifelong connections.

    Club Contact: Kaydence Gillespie

    Club Advisor: Bryce Tomlin

    Meeting Times

    Thursdays 6:30-8:30 PM (Bldg. 5, Rm. 251)


  • Japanese Culture Club

    To promote Japanese culture and cultural awareness through Japanese cultural activities (calligraphy, language, origami, games etc.), cultural events, field trips to Japanese Garden, and more.

    Club Contact:

    Haylei Huling

    James Poncin

    Club Advisor:

    Masumi Timson

    Meeting Times:

    Thursdays - 2:30 - 4:00PM (Bldg. 3, Rm.107)



  • Eye of the Storm

    The Eye of the Storm: Addiction Recovery Group aims to build a community of college students to support. address, and overcome addiction.

    Club Contact: Justin Walden

    Club Contact: Juan Carlos Palacio

    Club Advisor: Tricia Bliss

    Meeting Times;   

    Wednesdays 4:00-5:00PM (Bldg. 2, Rm. 232)

  • Trio CCP Club

    We want to provide free resources to all students especially first-generation students to help deal with the stress and fear of college.

    Club Contact:

    Kimberly Garcia

    Karen Barcenas Lazaro


    Club Advisor: Hayley Gibbs

    Meeting Times: Fridays 2 pm - 3 pm (Bldg. 2, Rm. 232) 




  • Diesel Rolling Club

    Diesel Rolling Club allows students to explore the career field of diesel mechanics at the Brooks Campus mechanic shop. All students are welcomed and no experience is needed. 

    Meeting Times:

    1st & 3rd Tuesday of the Month 5:00- 6:30pm (Bldg.10, Brooks Campus) (Diesel Shop)

    Club Contacts: Angel Garibay

    Staff Advisor: Kevin Ruby

  • MECHA Club

    The Mecha Club promotes principles of self-determination for the liberation of our people and involves students in community service. 

    Club Contact: Elmerson Rascon-Perez 

    Club Advisor: Jorge Montejano 

    Meeting Times:

    Mondays 4:00 - 5:00 PM (Bldg. 2, Rm. 232)

    Thursdays 4:00 - 5:00 PM (Bldg. 2, Rm. 232)

  • Organic Garden Club

    The purpose of this organization is to complement Chemeketa Gardens and the Horticulture Program by encouraging organic garden activities, developing leadership skills of members, and providing networking opportunities (i.e. resume building.

    Club Contact

    Matthew Mankins

    Club Advisor

    Michael Paruch

    Meeting Times: TBD (Bldg. TBD, Rm. TBD)

  • Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society

    The mission of Phi Theta Kappa is to recognize academic achievement of college students and to provide opportunities for them to grow as scholars and leaders.

    Student Contact

    Troy Noble

    Faculty Advisors

    Michelle Limas


    Thursdays 11:00 - 12:00 PM (Bldg. 2 Rm. 232)


  • Radio, Rocketry & Robotics

    Our mission is to further knowledge in radio, rocketry and robotics.

    Club Contact

    Rieley Ped

    Club Advisors
    Chuck Sekafetz, 503.399.6524

    Thursdays 12PM-1:30 PM - (Bldg. 4, Rm. 129)

  • Reading Rainbows Club

    The Reading Rainbows Club provides safe place for students to connect with others in the queer community with literature.

    Club President: Rudi Sheldon          

    Club Advisors: Tate Jackson

    Wednesday 12:00 - 1:30 PM (Bldg. 2, Rm. 232).

  • SAW (Student Association of Woodburn Club)

    The purpose of the club is to help and provide more resources for students in Woodburn.

    Club Contact

    Ricardo Ascencio

    Peyton Hatley

    Club Advisor

    Ninfa Rodriguez


    Thursdays 4:00-5:00PM (Woodburn Center Student Lounge, Rm. 125)