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Donate items or get help from Chemeketa's food pantry

Food Pantry

Chemeketa’s food pantry helps students in need focus on their studies rather than how they are going to feed themselves.

Salem Campus Student Food Pantry

Located in building 2, room 176 (College Life office). The Student Food Pantry is a free resource for all Chemeketa students. No appointment is needed. Students can show up on open hours from Mondays to Thursdays 10 am-3 pm. The pantry is closed on Fridays Students can take up to 5 items per day from our non-perishable items, and can as much of our perishable items as we have on the day of the visit being mindful of others (if perishables are available).

The Student Food Pantry is supported by the Chemeketa Foundation. If you would like to make a money donation to the pantry, you can visit this website, chose or enter the amount and selecting Student Relief fund from the fund designation. 

The Pantry also relies on the help from the Marion Polk Food Share, and the horticulture program at Chemeketa.

Location: Bld. 2, Room 176 (College Life office).

Hours: Mondays-Thursdays, 10 am-3 pm.

Community Resources Outside of Chemeketa

For community resources, regarding food around you area you can visit the following sites.

1. Please visit the Marion Polk Food Share for information on 

  • Pantry Sites
  • SNAP
  • WIC

In Yamhill County, Yamhill Community Action Partnership offers services to help with food and housing:

2. Visit the Oregon Food Bank website for information about pantries and food resources around you area. You can search by zip code, or city. 

The Oregon Food Bank website updates info on food assistance daily, but they still recommend that you call the pantry, or food site ahead of time before visiting so you know the procedures they are following. 

For student parents, if you have children in the K-12 system and receive free or reduced-price school meals, you may be eligible for Pandemic EBT benefits. For details, review Food Benefits for Families during School Closures.

3. In addition, you can also call by dialing 211 from your phone or visiting their website. You can find info on-

  • Child-care and parenting
  • Utility Assistance
  • Emergency Management
  • Food 
  • Health
  • Housing and Shelter between others