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One person can make a difference. You can be that person

Ride Share

By choosing to carpool, bike or ride the bus to school or for your personal trips, you are choosing to save time, money and the planet.


Carpool & Ride Share

  • Drive Less Connect – Carpool or ride-match in Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties
  • Valley VanPool – Rideshares within the Willamette Valley
  • ZipCar – Salem-Keizer car-sharing
  • Zimride – Cross-country carpool community


Bus Schedules

You can purchase your Cherriots bus pass from the Chemeketa Bookstore

Emergency Ride Home

Follow the instructions to register for the Emergency Ride Home program and receive a free taxi ride home if an emergency arises while you are at any Chemeketa location.

Electric Vehicle Charging Information

There are electric vehicle charging stations in the yellow lot at Chemeketa Salem and at Chemeketa Yamhill Valley. All stations are currently level 2 208/240V chargers and use the North American standard SAE J1772 connector. These stations require the purchase of an access card, available through Facilities & Operations.