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The International Student


Leaving her hometown of Guadalajara was a big decision, but nearby family helped ease her transition as an international student.

Laura story

Learning In and Outside the Classroom

I heard about Chemeketa because some of my cousins had taken classes here, so when I decided to study in the United States, I researched Chemeketa and knew it would be a good fit. Lucky for me, I could save money living with family nearby—this made studying abroad possible.

I’m doing the business management program and trying to get a payroll certificate. I hope to work in human resources.

I’ve also learned many things outside the classroom I never expected to. From sharing my culture and learning about other cultures, I’ve developed skills I never thought I could have and have learned that diversity is not only determined by nationality but also by the way we perceive things.

If you’re considering attending Chemeketa, come! You will not regret your decision. This simple step will change your life in a way you never imagine. There are many employees and students to support you in succeeding while you study here.

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