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The Opportunity Seeker


"There is a lot of flexibility and everyone at Chemeketa is very accommodating.”

Tyler story

After working in mechanics in heating and air conditioning repair for the last fifteen years, Tyler decided to return to school at Chemeketa and study computer science. He valued that Chemeketa has a lot of community programs and could allow flexibility with his schedule, offering remote or online options. He would be able to work full time and still attend school. 

Since Tyler is a first-generation college student, he was able to work with TRIO advisors to address his concerns and questions. Along with their help, he is able to access all the resources he needs. After realizing he needed help with his math class, he made friends and created a study group. After his time at Chemeketa, Tyler plans to transfer to OIT and complete his bachelor’s degree. “I didn’t think that I would have the time to take classes and work. There is a lot of flexibility and everyone at Chemeketa is very accommodating.”

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