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High School Partner Information

Let us host your students for an informative visit to one of our locations.

Arranging a Group Visit to Chemeketa

  • Interact with college students on a campus tour
  • Experience a mock lecture from a faculty member
  • Find out how to pay for college
  • Apply for admission
  • Learn about student support services

Call 503.399.5000 to schedule your visit.

Invite Us to Visit Your School

Our staff welcomes any opportunity to visit a high school. Invite us to set up a table during lunch hour or participate in your college, career and financial aid events. Contact Cristina Barba for more information.

Attend Our High School Partner Workshops

We host events for high school counsellors and other post-secondary student advocates, including our fall CTE tour and annual winter workshop. Contact James McNicholas for more information.

Refer a Student for a Personal Appointment

We welcome the opportunity to meet with your students individually or with their families. Have them email us to schedule an appointment.