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1-10 of 74 Results


Chemeketa is the low-cost, high-value place to start your career in accounting.

Agribusiness Management

Generations of Oregon family farms, of all sizes, have depended on Chemeketa Agribusiness Management for professional development, workforce training and support for helping them continue to be successful.

American Sign Language

American Sign Language (ASL) is the language of the Deaf community in the United States and much of Canada. ASL is estimated to be the fourth most commonly used language in the United States.


Anthropology is the study of human life and cultures, from our earliest days on the planet and right up to current times. Chemeketa offers several anthropology courses that may transfer easily to another school to continue your studies.

Apprenticeship Trades

Gain skills full-time with on-the-job training during the day from our employer partners. You also take less than half-time evening or online classes in this robust four-year degree program. Earn a family wage, and received incremental pay increases.


Class TimeDay, Night


Chemeketa's Art program offers a comprehensive range of foundational art courses. Many of our art courses fulfill the arts and letters requirement of our transfer degrees.


Chemeketa offers about 20 biology classes to fulfill requirements for transfer degrees and professional programs.