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Grants: Advancing the College Mission through External Funding

We help access the funds that turn good ideas into impacful projects.

Our Purpose

The Grants Office serves faculty and staff who seek to propose and develop projects aligning with Chemeketa's goals, strategic priorities and mission. If you are a student seeking funds for college, please go to the Foundation Scholarship page. The grants office helps to:

  • Identify and disseminate funding opportunities
  • Determine grant eligibility and identify regulations associated with the grant
  • Research and analyze external data relevant to a particular project proposal
  • Assist teams in the project proposal design and writing
  • Coordinate and communicate with community partners by coordinating the grant proposal process in conjunction with Business Services
  • Assist in the proposal submission process
  • Help with the management of grant awards

Getting Started

  • The first step in pursuing grant funding is to contact the Grants Office. We will help identify any restrictions or regulations associated with the grant 
  • The second step is to complete, sign, and submit the Grant Authorization Form, the administration's "green light" to begin work on the grant  
  • The third step is to stay in touch with the Grants Office. We will guide you through every step of the process


  • All grants, regardless of dollar amount or source, must be reviewed by the Grants Office and Grant Accountant before submission
  • Once awarded, never sign an agreement from a funding agency. Only the College President, Associate Vice President of Financial Management, and General Counsel have the authority to sign grant agreements
  • Institutional Review Board

    Are you interested in conducting research? All projects involving research of human subjects at Chemeketa must be reviewed by the college's Institutional Review Board.

    Chemeketa's Institutional Review Board (IRB) ensures the safety and protection of human subjects participating in research studies conducted by college faculty, staff and students or occurring at Chemeketa.

    The IRB has the authority to –

    1. Review federally supported projects and programs involving research with human subjects and to either approve, require revisions or disapprove of the research
    2. Require Principal Investigators to complete specific training prior to project approval
    3. Determine Exemption from further review

    The Grants Office will help you complete the process for IRB review of your research project, including Exempt projects.