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Health & Wellness at Chemeketa

Chemeketa's Wellness Committee supports all college employees in their personal health, productivity and work-life balance.

Upcoming Wellness Events

The best source for current and upcoming events is our Facebook page.

Lifetime Wellness Program

This fun and healthy program includes a personal and confidential assessment and assistance setting personal goals for –

  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Managing a chronic health issue
  • Stress reduction
  • Life balance

Benefits of Joining

  • Keep accountable by checking in with staff about progress and setbacks
  • Enjoy access to tools and incentives to help you succeed
  • Earn a "well day" off
  • Celebrate your effort at the year-end wellness luncheon
    • Wear a pedometer at work
      Since every step counts, wearing a pedometer is wonderful motivator to move more during your workday.
    • Walk around the office
      There’s no need to sit still while you talk on the phone or think. Pacing and fidgeting are physical activity.
    • Walk around the building
      Sometimes a face-to-face talk is the best way to communicate (and it gets you up and moving around).
    • Use the stairs
      If you have a choice, always take the stairs. If you have stairs, take as many trips up and down as possible.
    • Walk around the block
      Got a coffee break? Got a few free minutes? Take a walk outside and get some fresh air (and extra steps).
    • Walk and talk
      Need to discuss something with a co-worker? A walking meeting can be more productive and healthier too!
    • Check your pedometer
      How many steps do you take during a typical workday? Any ideas for adding a few more steps here or there?
    • Lift weights while you talk
      Keep a weight near the telephone; pick it up when you get a call and pump your arms while you talk.
    • Take a weight break
      Feeling tired and bogged down? Take five minutes to lift your hand weights and get your blood flowing.
    • Work your abs
      You can strengthen tummy muscles while sitting in a chair. Sit straight, tighten muscles and release. Repeat.
    • Stretch your arms and legs
      Stuck at your desk? Use a resistance band for a five minute stretch. Your mind and body will be more flexible.
    • Stretch your stress away
      Tension in your shoulders, neck and back is easy to release with standing stretches and a resistance band.