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Potential Employers

Benefit your business; sign up as a Training Agent and employ HVAC/R and Sheet Metal apprentices.


As program administrator, Chemeketa provides required related training through classes at the Salem Campus for Mid-Valley Sheet Metal and Mid-Valley HVAC/R Joint Apprenticeship Training Committees.

     HVAC/R Training Agent Application     

Sheet Metal Training Agent Application

  • Application Process

    Training Agent application

    Complete, sign and return the required documents by mail or email - 

    1. BOLI Registration Agreement
    2. Training Agent application
    3. Fee Schedule
    4. Site Visit form and photos
    5. Acknowledgment of receipt of Policies and Standards
    6. Copy of LE/B or equivalent license for journey-level worker(s)

    After all documents are received, the committee members vote and approve your application. Chemeketa will -

    • notify you of your approval
    • set up your account in WorkHands
    • initiate creating your account with Chemeketa Business Services


    Chemeketa Apprenticeship
    Building 33, Room 101
    4000 Lancaster Drive NE
    Salem, OR  97305
  • Benefits

    Apprenticeship provide business solutions - 

    • On-the-job training and related training is provided in the classroom for apprentices working for you
    • Gain journey-level workers at the end of the four-year program
    • HVAC/R apprentices test for their LE/B license with building codes
    • Encourage employees to apply for apprenticeship openings
    • Request possible new employees from the pool of applicants
  • Employer Expectations

    As a Training Agent, you agree to the following -

    • Hire applicants from the Pool of Eligibles and help recruit applicants
    • Approve hours monthly using the online program WorkHands, and fill out recommendations for advancement twice per year
    • Complete an annual wage survey each fall, and follow the scale (Training Agents are allowed to pay higher wages, as the scale is the minimum hourly wage required)
    • Train apprentices on required work processes (see the details on this web page)
    • Release apprentices from work in time for them to attend related-training classes
    • Complete an apprentice release form when an apprentice leaves your employment
    • Provide a safe work environment for apprentices and anti-harassment training for all employees who interact with apprentices (guidance is available from Chemeketa Apprenticeship)
    • Assist apprentices in getting First-Aid/CPR certification within the first six months of apprenticeship
  • Related Training

    Related training

    Classes begin fall term and are offered in sequence (fall, winter and spring). The cost is approximately $716 per quarter. 


    Chemeketa Apprenticeship uses a variety of textbooks for related training. Some textbooks may be available digitally.

    HVAC/R classes

    NCCER HVAC/R curriculum is used for related training at Chemeketa. There is usually an LE/B test prep course offered in the summer for students testing soon.

  • On-the-job training

    Training Agents provide On-the-Job Training (OJT)

    • Mid-Valley HVAC/R, MA2026 - 8,000 hours of OJT
    • Mid-Valley Sheet Metal, MA1060 - 7,200 hours of OJT
  • HVAC/R Training Details

    HVAC/R work processes and hours

    1. Installation & Service of HVAC Systems - 2,000 Hours
    2. Duct Design & Air Flow - 1,000 Hours
    3. Basic Refrigeration & Theory - 500 Hours
    4. Piping, Brazing & Soldering - 500 Hours
    5. Limited Energy Installations, including: conduit, flex tray & duct, control panels & controls, wiring devices, removal & finish work, stock room & materials, overhead & underground - 1,750 Hours
    6. Troubleshooting & maintenance - 250 Hours
    7. Communications systems, including: data tele-communication, intercom, paging; Specialized control systems, including: HVAC, medical, boiler, clock, instrumentation - 2,000 Hours

    Ratio requirements

    The ratio requirement is one apprentice per journey-level worker. For electrical hours, apprentices must be supervised by someone with an LE/B license or equivalent.

    LE/B exam

    Apprentices are referred to take the Limited Energy B Class Technicians License exam (LE/B) upon completion of their OJT hours and related training. Apprentices have six months to pass the test or are completed without benefit of license from the program.

  • Sheet Metal Training Details

    Sheet Metal work processes and hours

    1. Fabrication & Assembly - 2,150 Hours
    2. Installation or Erection - 3,150 Hours
    3. Layout - 900 Hours
    4. Miscellaneous - 1,000 Hours

    Ratio requirements

    The ratio requirement is one apprentice per journey-level worker for the first four apprentices, then three journey-level workers for each additional apprentice. This ratio is by job site.


  • Wage Scale

    Wage scale

    Wages are surveyed every fall which helps set the wage for the next year. Changes are voted on in October and begin February 1, of each year.

    Mid-Valley HVAC/R MA #2026, Wage Scale

    Mid-Valley Sheet Metal MA #1060, Wage Scale

  • Fees


    Training Agents agree to train apprentices and pay a monthly fee to Chemeketa Apprenticeship. Training Agents are billed quarterly by Chemeketa Business Services.

    HVAC/R - $25 per month plus $40 per apprentice per month

    Sheet Metal - $60 per apprentice per month